Château Saint-Pierre de Mejans



Become a wine expert with WSET wine courses!

We are honoured to be hosting the WSET exam courses with Weeno (wine school in Marseille). A total immersion in the world of wine in French and English.

Next training dates:

🍇 26 March WSET 1

🍇 27-29 March WSET 2

More information and bookings at

👨🍳 Lunch is included every day

Article in the local News!

Following our Inauguration Party on Thursday, May 19th, we were thrilled to find an article in the local paper sharing our event and the history of our chateau. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the re-opening of Château Saint-Pierre de Mejans!

Inauguration Party

On May 19th, Château Saint-Pierre de Mejans opened its doors to more than 400 guests to celebrate the official reopening of the winery and castle. The event was a lovely opportunity to share with everyone the result of the past year of renovations! We had the pleasure...

Comment nous contacter?

Via le formulaire de contact en bas de cette page

Comment reserver le Mas?

Via la page de reservation 

Contactez nous

Pour tout renseignement, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.


Tous les jours durant l'été de                10h00-18h00                   



+33 4 90 08 70 10


2 Voie Communale Jas de Puyvert
84160 Puyvert, France

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